Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

8 Episodes

The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as could not be paralleled in any work.

As the second of the trilogy on Habakkuk 2:4, "The just shall live by faith," Galatians embodies the germinal teaching on Christian freedom, which separated Christianity from Judaism and which launched it upon its destiny on missionary conquest. Galatians is the guidebook for the release from the bondage of religious legalism.

The Epistle to the Galatians stands as a challenge to all who would take away the grace of God, the truth of the Gospel, and the joy and freedom that goes with it.

Handbook is available from our store and contains supplemental notes for this study.

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Galatians: An Expositional Commentary
  • 48 - E01 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 1

    Introduction. A Preliminary Perspective: The Adventures of Paul.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as c...

  • 48 - E02 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 2

    Chapter 1 - The Judaizers. Paul’s Apostleship.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as could not be parall...

  • 48 - E03 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 3

    Chapter 2 - Law vs. Grace. Titus as an Example. Peter and Paul.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as co...

  • 48 - E04 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 4

    Chapter 3a - Faith Alone. Example of Abraham. Martin Luther.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as could...

  • 48 - E05 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 5

    Chapter 3b - Permanence of Faith. Purpose of the Law. Seed.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as could ...

  • 48 - E06 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 6

    Chapter 4 - Child vs. Heir. Adoption. God Sent the Spirit. Paul’s Attitude. Two Jerusalems.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of veheme...

  • 48 - E07 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 7

    Chapter 5 - Stand Firm. Leaven. Works of the Flesh vs. Spirit.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such a variety of vehement and intense emotion as cou...

  • 48 - E08 - Galatians: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 8

    Chapter 6 - Sacrificial Service Toward Sinning Christians, Burdened Christians, Pastor-Teachers and all People.

    The Epistle to the Galatians is regarded as one of Paul's greatest and most important letters. It has been characterized as a "short Romans" and embraces in its six short chapters such...