Human Nature

Human Nature

2 Episodes

What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly, Man is a very complicated social being. The Bible tells us that man is “fearfully and wonderfully made.”

- How do we understand our makeup and does it make a difference?
- What is the meaning of being “created in the image of God?”
- What causes our natural responses and can we change this behavior?

Join Ron Matsen as he explores the subject of our “Human Nature” and gives insight into the architecture and accountability of all mankind.

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Human Nature
  • Human Nature - Session 01

    Episode 1

    Session 1 of 2 - The Architecture of Man
    What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly, ...

  • Human Nature - Session 02

    Episode 2

    Session 2 of 2 - The Accountability of Man
    What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly...