Insights from Israel

Insights from Israel

5 Episodes

Chuck Missler led many tour groups to Israel, speaking at many locations. This series is from his 2009 Issachar Tour.

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Insights from Israel
  • The Synagogue at Capernaum

    Episode 1

    In 2009 Chuck Missler led a tour group to Israel, he spoke at several locations.

  • The Sea of Galilee

    Episode 2

    In 2009 Chuck Missler led a tour group to Israel, he spoke at several locations.

  • Mount of Beatitudes

    Episode 3

    In 2009 Chuck Missler led a tour group to Israel, he spoke at several locations.

  • Tel of Megiddo

    Episode 4

    In 2009 Chuck Missler led a tour group to Israel, he spoke at several locations.

  • The Mount of Olives

    Episode 5

    In 2009 Chuck Missler led a tour group to Israel, he spoke at several locations.