Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
16 Episodes
It may come as a surprise to discover that there are a number of Biblical experts who regard the Book of Leviticus as the most important book of the Bible! The Book of Leviticus cannot be "read;" it has to be studied. But fasten your seat belts! It's going to be an exciting and highly privileged excursion!
This study contains 16 hours of verse by verse teachings.
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Presented by Dr. Chuck Missler.
© Koinonia House Inc.
03 - E01 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 1
Leviticus 1 - Introduction. Five Basic Themes. Relevance to Us Today. The Sacrifices.
03 - E02 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 2
Leviticus 1 (cont.) - The Burnt Offering. The Five Steps of the Burnt Offering Ritual.
03 - E03 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 3
Leviticus 2-3 - The Meal and the Peace Offerings.
03 - E04 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 4
Leviticus 4-5 - The Sin and the Trespass (Guilt) Offerings.
03 - E05 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 5
Leviticus 6-7 - The Law of the Offerings. The Location of Golgotha.
03 - E06 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 6
Leviticus 8-10 - The Priesthood. Clothing and Cleansing the Priests. Nadab and Abihu.
03 - E07 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 7
Leviticus 11-12 - Cleanliness and Hygiene. Clean and Unclean Animals. Original Sin Transmitted.
03 - E08- Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 8
Leviticus 13-15 - Leprosy and Diseases. Sin is the Ultimate Disease. How to Become Clean.
03 - E09 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 9
Leviticus 16 - Yom Kipper; the Day of Atonement. Preparation of the Place and People.
03 - E10 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 10
Leviticus 17-20 - The Blood. Forbidden Sexual Practices. The Death Penalty.
03 - E11 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 11
Leviticus 21-22 - Personal Purity. The Holiness of the Priests. The Holiness of the Offerings.
03 - E12 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 12
Leviticus 23 - The Once and Future Calendar. The Seventh Day. The Jewish Feasts.
03 - E13 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 13
Leviticus 24 - The Fear of God. Capital Punishment. Cities of Refuge.
03 - E14 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 14
Leviticus 25 - Israel in the Land. Sabbath Years and the Year of Jubilee. The Goel.
03 - E15 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 15
Leviticus 26-27 - Israel’s Magna Carta. Obeying, Submitting, and Trusting God. Blessings for Obedience. Warnings to Israel for Disobedience.
03 - E16 - Leviticus: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 16
Leviticus Review - Ten Basic Lessons from Leviticus. One-Word Summary: Holiness.