Mark: An Expositional Commentary

Mark: An Expositional Commentary

16 Episodes

"Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

A rich young ruler questioned Christ about what he needed to do to inherit eternal life. Mark's Gospel includes a detail that Matthew and Luke failed to mention: "And Jesus looking upon him loved him..." This hints at the possibility that young John Mark himself may have been that rich young man.

Handbook is available from our store and contains supplemental notes for this study.

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Mark: An Expositional Commentary
  • 41 - E01 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 1

    Session 1 of 16
    Chapter 1: Introduction. The Meaning of Baptism. Jesus Heals a Leper.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young rul...

  • 41 - E02 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 2

    Session 2 of 16
    Chapter 2: Raising the Roof. Healing. Fasting. Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich yo...

  • 41 - E03 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 3

    Session 3 of 16
    Chapter 3: Jesus Chooses the Twelve. Beelzebub.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ruler questioned Christ a...

  • 41 - E04 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 4

    Session 4 of 16
    Chapter 4: Why Parables? Jesus Calms the Storm.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ruler questioned Christ a...

  • 41 - E05 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 5

    Session 5 of 16
    Chapter 5: The Case of the Deviled Ham. Raising Jairus’ Daughter. Woman with Issue of Blood.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, in...

  • 41 - E06 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 6

    Session 6 of 16
    Chapter 1: Introduction. The Meaning of Baptism. Jesus Heals a Leper.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young rul...

  • 41 - E07 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 7

    Session 7 of 16
    Chapter 7: God’s Command or Man’s Tradition? Evil Comes from the Heart.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young r...

  • 41 - E08 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 8

    Session 8 of 16
    Chapter 8: Peter’s Declaration. Jesus Predicts His Death and Resurrection.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich youn...

  • 41 - E09 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 9

    Session 9 of 16
    Chapter 9: The Transfiguration. The Greatness of Humility. Entrapments.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young r...

  • 41 - E10 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 10

    Session 10 of 16
    Chapter 10: Divorce. The First Shall Be Last. The Poor Become Rich.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young rule...

  • 41- E11 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 11

    Session 11 of 16
    Chapter 11: The Triumphal Entry. Cursed Fig Tree. A Lesson on Prayer.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ru...

  • 41 - E12 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 12

    Session 12 of 16
    Chapter 12: Money Talks. Priorities. Money Reveals. A Question of Authority.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich y...

  • 41 - E13 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 13

    Session 13 of 16
    Chapter 13: Jesus’ Confidential Briefing. The Last Days. The Second Coming.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich yo...

  • 41 - E14 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 14

    Session 14 of 16
    Chapter 14: In Bethany. The Upper Room. The Garden. The Palace.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ruler qu...

  • 41 - E15 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 15

    Session 15 of 16
    Chapter 15: The Trials. Jesus is Crucified. The Garden Tomb.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich young ruler quest...

  • 41 - E16 - Mark: An Expositional Commentary

    Episode 16

    Session 16 of 16
    Chapter 16: Jesus Is Risen. Jesus Appears to Mary. The Last 12 Verses of Mark.
    "Finishing Well" is the name of the game. Here was a rich, young ruler - a 1st century "yuppie" if you will - who, although getting off to a rather problematic beginning, finished well, indeed.

    A rich...