Ruth & Esther: An Expositional Commentary
10 Episodes
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful women brings a new understanding of God's faithfulness and the importance of our faithful participation.
Handbook is available from our store and contains supplemental notes for this study.
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08 - E01 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 1
Ruth 1: Introduction. A Love Story. Ruth and Naomi.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful women...
08 - E02 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 2
Ruth 2: Ruth and Boaz. Kinsman-Redeemer.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful women brings a n...
08 - E03 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 3
Ruth 3: The Threshing Floor Scene. A "Nearer Kinsman."
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful wo...
08 - E04 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 4
Ruth 4: The End of the Story. Shoes. House of Pharez.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful wom...
08 - E05 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 5
Ruth: Review - Types in the Book of Ruth.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful women brings a ...
08 - E06 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 6
Esther 1 - 2: Introduction. Models. Ahasuerus and Vashti.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful...
08 - E07 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 7
Esther 3 - 4: Esther Obtains Favor. Haman the Amalekite.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two faithful ...
08 - E08 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 8
Esther 5 - 7: Esther’s Banquets. Mordecai Honored. Haman’s End.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two fa...
08 - E09 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 9
Esther 8 - 10: The Magi. Mordecai’s Solution. Feast of Purim.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewarding feature. God's use of these two fait...
08 - E10 - Ruth and Esther: An Expositional Commentary
Episode 10
Esther: Microcodes & Macrocodes. Mnemonic Acrostics. Evidence of Design. Model/Types. Esther Overview.
Both of these books, filled with all the intrigue, romance, and action of any modern-day screen play, have been heralded for their literary value for centuries. But this is not their most rewar...