SP2014 E04: Ron Matsen - The Reemergence of Assyria?
Episode 1
Koinonia Institute presents the 2014 Strategic Perspectives IX Conference in Coeur d' Alene, Idaho on DVD, intel and insight to understand the times.
SP2014 E12: John Loeffler - Stumbling Toward an Omega Point
Episode 2
Stumbling Toward an Omega Point presented by John Loeffler.
SP2014 E16: Bob Cornuke - Amazing New Discoveries: The Temple
Episode 3
Amazing New Discoveries: The Temple presented by Bob Cornuke.
SP2014 E17: Trevor MacDuff - Discipleship
Episode 4
Discipleship presented by Trevor MacDuff.
SP2014 E18: Chris Corlett - Education is an Everyman Strategic Perspective
Episode 5
Education is an Everyman Strategic Perspective presented by Chris Corlett.