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The Prophets To The Gentiles: Jonah, Nahum, Obadiah

32 - E03 - Prophets to the Gentiles: Jonah, Nahum, Obadiah


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  • 32 - E04 - Prophets to the Gentiles: ...

    Session 4 of 8
    Jonah Chapter 4

    Jonah, the reluctant prophet, was called to prophesy against the pagan capital of the world, Nineveh. He attempted to shun the assignment until God explained it to him a little more clearly! His message to Nineveh:40 days and you get yours! The greatest miracle in ...

  • 32 - E05 - Prophets to the Gentiles: ...

    Session 5 0f 8

    Jonah, the reluctant prophet, was called to prophesy against the pagan capital of the world, Nineveh. He attempted to shun the assignment until God explained it to him a little more clearly! His message to Nineveh:40 days and you get yours! The greatest miracle in the book o...

  • 32 - E06 - Prophets to the Gentiles: ...

    Session 6 of 8
    Obadiah, The Enigma of Edom

    Obadiah prophesied against Israel's enemies. His book provides insights into the 2nd Coming of Jesus Christ and why some countries will apparently escape the rule of the Antichrist. These are three small books of the Bible that contribute a critical per...