Topical Studies

  • Golgotha
    1 season


    1 season


    Warning! This will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ was crucified. Known for his detective approach to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke sets aside the emotionally held traditions of th...

  • Issachar Insight: Misser-Setterfield


    Chuck Missler had the opportunity to sit down with Barry Setterfield and discuss Zero Point Energy (ZPE).

    Barry Setterfield is a Young Earth creationist best known for promoting c-decay, the proposition that the speed of light was faster in the past and has been degrading ever since. He argues t...

  • Temple


    From the book that is being heralded as "an investigative masterpiece" with "astounding archaeological and prophetic implications," TEMPLE: Amazing New Discoveries That Change Everything About the Location of Solomon's Temple, by Robert Cornuke, is sending shockwaves through the Jewish, Muslim, a...

  • The Beginning of Wisdom

    1 season

    “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10
    But how do we balance the awesome majesty due to the Creator and Ruler of the universe with the gracious family intimacy that is now available to us through the completed work of Christ?

    What does His Holiness demand of us, personally?

  • Weathering the Coming Storm

    1 season

    Dr. Chuck Missler, an internationally known business executive, outlines our current economic predicament and defensive steps you can take to lessen the impact of the impending economic crisis. As a Bible teacher for over 30 years with a ministry reaching over 40 countries, Chuck shares some key ...

  • The Spiritual Gifts

    1 season

    The apostle Paul told the Corinthian Christians, “Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I would not have you ignorant.”

    Sadly, today many people are confused about the person and work of the Holy Spirit.
    - Who or what is the Holy Spirit?
    - What are the gifts of the Spirit?
    - Are the gifts...

  • The Romance of Redemption

    1 season

    The Book of Ruth is venerated in college literature classes as one of the most elegant love stories of all time.

    What most people don’t realize, is that it is one of the most significant “New Testament” books located in the Old Testament–and it stands as a pivotal study in Bible Prophecy! It is ...

  • The Reemergence of Assyria?


    The rapid rise of the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has caused many in the world to wonder at its apocalyptic implications. We will examine this emerging problem with what I like to call the “Issachar Challenge” Therefore, we need to address three questions concerning this area of the wo...

  • The Physics of Immortality

    1 season

    This is an intensive review of what the Apostle Paul calls the most important chapter in the Bible: 1 Corinthians 15. Without it, “we are of all men most miserable.”

    - Did Jesus really rise from the dead? How do we know? Do we really believe it?
    - What kind of body did He have? Why did they ha...

  • Leadership for the End Times

    1 season

    Are “leadership skills” only something for a select few or can everyone benefit from understanding what the Bible says about leadership?

    What are Christians called to do during these turbulent times?

    How can you make a difference in your family, among your friends and within your community?


  • Israel and the Church: The Prodigal Heirs

    1 season

    - Has God abandoned Israel?
    - Has the Church “replaced” Israel?
    - What does the Bible say?

    As we watch the world events, it is clear that Israel is following her prophetic scenario, and a new chapter is about to be written–and there may be a big surprise on our near horizon!

  • Human Nature

    1 season

    What does it mean to be human? Philosophers, theologians, sociologists and psychologists have attempted to understand the nature of mankind for ages. Their conclusions often contradict each other which lead to confusion rather than clarification. Clearly, Man is a very complicated social being. T...

  • How to Study the Bible

    1 season

    - Which translation is best?
    - Which Study Bible?
    - What are the secrets of resolving difficult or controversial passages?

    From forty years of intensive Bible study and teaching, Missler shares his favorite helps, secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously.

    Most Chr...

  • Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text

    1 season

    For the novice as well as the sophisticate, this study is full of surprises. It includes subtle discoveries lying just “beneath” the text -- hidden messages, encryptions, deliberate misspellings and other amendments to the text -- that present implications beyond the immediate context, demonstrat...

  • Mystery of Melchizedek


    - Who was this strange Priest/King that received tithes from Abraham? (…and administered bread and wine to him?)
    - How is Melchizedek relevant to the Messiah of Israel?
    - Did Melchizedek have a temple that predated Solomon’s?
    - Is the Jewish Kingdom as portrayed in the Old Testament simply an...

  • Jesus: Who & Why?

    1 season

    Just who is Jesus Christ? What did Jesus actually accomplish? Jesus Christ is not “a concept,” an “idea,” or a “useful traditional value.” He is an actual living person who came to accomplish a specific purpose that prevails over everything else: His achievement continues to impact you and me, an...

  • Kabbalah And The Rise Of Mysticism

    1 season

    "Whether disillusioned by the self-imposed blinders and myopia of contemporary "science," or frustrated by the moral bankruptcy of unbridled materialism, increasing numbers of desperate people are now seeking "answers" outside the realm of natural phenomena and are pursuing the supernatural. The ...

  • Myths of Eschatology

    1 season

    Eschatology is a part of theology concerned with the final events of history, or the ultimate destiny of humanity. This concept is commonly referred to as the “End Times” or “Last Days”. In this field of study, there is a minefield of disinformation, misunderstandings and myths concerning many fu...

  • Critical Thinking

    1 season

    - How do we separate reliable information from unreliable information?
    - How can we determine what is relevant evidence supporting a position and what is superfluous?
    - What is the difference between evidentiary burden and persuasive burden?
    - How does the quantum of proof differ in the court...

  • BioTech: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice

    1 season

    - Do the bright prospects of Biotech justify tampering with mechanisms far from being understood?
    - Will the Biotech revolution cast a dark shadow over the first half of the 21st century as nuclear technology did over the last century?

    The astonishing advances in the field of microbiology now of...

  • Angels, Volume III: The Denizens of the Metacosm

    1 season

    Volumes 1 & 2 of this series explored the finite limits and boundaries of our physical reality. After probing the limits of both the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, we discovered that our reality is but a shadow of larger reality, the Metacosm, a domain of extra-dimensional transfers and other parad...

  • Angels, Volume II: The Invisible War

    1 season

    For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about Satan and the 'underworld'.

    Volume two of a two part series, this DVD deals with these and many of the questions you may have such as:

    - What is Hell, Hades and Gehenna?
    - Ho...

  • Angels, Volume I: The Angelic Realm

    1 season

    For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about angels and our own reality. In this study we will deal with these fascinating entities.

    And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host c...

  • The Christmas Story: What Really Happened

    1 season

    Dr. Chuck Missler, a widely recognized Biblical authority, updates his classic study of Christmas. He explores the background, and myths, surrounding our favorite holiday.

    - What really happened in Bethlehem two thousand years ago?
    - Who were the "Magi?"
    - Why a virgin birth?
    - What does a C...