Angels, Volume III: The Denizens of the Metacosm
1 season
Volumes 1 & 2 of this series explored the finite limits and boundaries of our physical reality. After probing the limits of both the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, we discovered that our reality is but a shadow of larger reality, the Metacosm, a domain of extra-dimensional transfers and other parad...
Angels, Volume II: The Invisible War
1 season
For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about Satan and the 'underworld'.
Volume two of a two part series, this DVD deals with these and many of the questions you may have such as:
- What is Hell, Hades and Gehenna?
- Ho... -
Angels, Volume I: The Angelic Realm
1 season
For thousands of years most of us have either had or still hold to misconceptions, myths, legends, or traditions about angels and our own reality. In this study we will deal with these fascinating entities.
And when the servant of the man of God was risen early, and gone forth, behold, an host c...
Armor for the Age of Deceit
1 season
In this age of deceit and treachery it is vital to be protected from the consequences of the spiritual war raging around us.
The Bible tells us to put on the "whole armor" of God. What is it? And when do you put it on?
We are all already in enemy territory. The time to put on the whole armor is...
Behold a Black Horse
1 season
The third of the “Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse” brings inflation and famine on an unprecedented scale.
- What is the real cause of inflation?
- What are the real causes of famine?Most famines are the direct results of government’s deliberate decisions. Germany sank into the most severe hy...
Behold a Livid Horse
1 season
Dr. Chuck Missler explores these and other questions below concerning this climactic Fourth Horsemen and the unique role it plays in the End-Time Scenario:
- Why are previously conquered diseases now making a comeback?
- How real is the threat of biological terrorism?
- Why is it more danger... -
Behold a Red Horse
1 season
- What does the Bible say about “wars”?
- How can the classic literature of centuries ago impact today's (and tomorrow’s) tactics and strategies?
- Which technologies are predicted in the Bible? Which ones have yet to be witnessed?
- In what ways have the economies of scale in violence been r... -
Behold a White Horse
1 season
The final world dictator seeking global domination will also be an “Assyrian” who is here characterized by a bow, riding a white horse. It is interesting how many confuse this counterfeit with the rider of the white horse in Revelation 19. In chapter 6, however, this rider is among some very bad ...
Beyond Coincidence
1 season
- Is our universe some kind of cosmic accident, or is it the result of careful and skillful design?
- What do scientists mean by "The Anthropic Principle"?When compiling the many physical and mathematical subtleties which make up our universe, scientist have discovered that a slight variation...
Beyond Time & Space
1 season
- Are there more than four dimensions to physical reality?
- Is it possible to traverse time as well as space?
- Is there a reality beyond our traditional concepts of time and space?The startling discovery of modern science is that our physical universe is actually finite. Scientists now ack...
BioTech: The Sorcerer's New Apprentice
1 season
- Do the bright prospects of Biotech justify tampering with mechanisms far from being understood?
- Will the Biotech revolution cast a dark shadow over the first half of the 21st century as nuclear technology did over the last century?The astonishing advances in the field of microbiology now of...
Critical Thinking
1 season
- How do we separate reliable information from unreliable information?
- How can we determine what is relevant evidence supporting a position and what is superfluous?
- What is the difference between evidentiary burden and persuasive burden?
- How does the quantum of proof differ in the court... -
Death of Discernment
1 season
Of all the end-time themes discussed in the Bible–such as global disasters (Mt 24), the rise of the global super-state, the identity of the Antichrist, the mark of the beast, and the Magog invasion (Ezek 38-39)–“deception and apostasy in the church” is listed more times than any other end-time “s...
Defending the Bible
1 season
For salvation, Man must understand the purpose and power of the Bible. But how do we explain our faith? If we only rely on our personal experience to explain our faith, we are no different than any other religious mystic.
- Can the Bible be trusted or has it been corrupted over time?
- How do we... -
Discovering God
1 season
The beginning of a person’s reconciliation with God is their recognition of God. The argument for and against the existence of God has raged for ages. Yet proving the existence of God is an understanding that comes from an “aggregate of thoughts” knit together with “summary logic.”
- Can the ex...
Doctrines of Demons
1 season
What does the Bible have to say about the End Times? Matthew’s Gospel records the warning of Jesus where He said, “Take heed that no one deceives you.” The apostle Paul expands on this by stating; “Now the Spirit expressly says that in latter times some will depart from the faith, giving heed to ...
Expectations of the Antichrist
1 season
There are many diverse anticipations concerning the Coming World Leader, commonly referred to as “The Antichrist.” This study will explore the Biblical descriptions with the specific expectations of the globalists, Islam, the Vatican, Freemasonry, and others.
- Will he be a Nephilim?
- Why is ... -
Family Matters Vol. 1
1 season
The institution of marriage was created by God before the fall of man. Genesis 2:24 tells us “a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.”
In the book of Ecclesiastes chapter 4, Solomon wrote that there are at least five benefits of marriag...
Family Matters Vol. 2
1 season
The attack on the Biblical family unit has never been greater. The pervasive influences of secular philosophy, psychology and sociology, have driven the traditional family unit to the brink of extinction. Like a spiritual tsunami, the influences of modern moral relativism are rapidly eroding the ...
Family Matters Vol. 3
1 season
The Bible tells us that “children are a blessing from the Lord.” As such, parents are given the awesome responsibility of raising them in the fear and knowledge of God. The world would like to convince Christian parents to stop influencing their children, with regards to Biblical standards of liv...
1 season
Warning! This will challenge your understanding as to where Jesus Christ was crucified. Known for his detective approach to Bible archaeology, Bob Cornuke sets aside the emotionally held traditions of th...
Halloween: Invitation to the Occult?
1 season
The celebration of the pagan festival of Halloween is now a multi-billion dollar merchandiser's market. Fifty percent of Americans will decorate for Halloween (compared to over 80% for Christmas). It is now the third most popular party activity, after the Superbowl and New Year's Eve.
This is al...
Hidden Treasures in the Biblical Text
1 season
For the novice as well as the sophisticate, this study is full of surprises. It includes subtle discoveries lying just “beneath” the text -- hidden messages, encryptions, deliberate misspellings and other amendments to the text -- that present implications beyond the immediate context, demonstrat...
How to Study the Bible
1 season
- Which translation is best?
- Which Study Bible?
- What are the secrets of resolving difficult or controversial passages?From forty years of intensive Bible study and teaching, Missler shares his favorite helps, secrets and practical suggestions on how to take the Bible seriously.
Most Chr...