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Kings: An Expositional Commentary

11 - E01 - Kings: An Expositional Commentary


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  • 11 - E02 - Kings: An Expositional Com...

    1 Kings 3 - 4: Solomons treaty with Pharaoh: Solomons sacrifice and prayer for wisdom: Solomons prayer answered.

    I and II Kings provide a record of Israel's history from the beginning of the movement to place Solomon on David's throne through the end of the reign of Zedekiah, Judah's last king. ...

  • 11 - E03 - Kings: An Expositional Com...

    1 Kings 5 - 8: Solomon prepares to build the Temple: The Ark is brought in and the Shekinah-glory fills the Temple: Solomons prayer of dedication.

    I and II Kings provide a record of Israel's history from the beginning of the movement to place Solomon on David's throne through the end of the reig...

  • 11 - E04 - Kings: An Expositional Com...

    1 Kings 9 - 11: King Hiram and Solomon exchange gifts: Queen of Sheba visits Solomon: Solomon Forsakes God: God sternly rebukes Solomon and tells him that the kingdom will be taken away: Solomon dies.

    I and II Kings provide a record of Israel's history from the beginning of the movement to place...